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Well, looks like we survived this hectic decade. We (the US) started 5 wars (Breaking several international laws in the process), avoided several others, provoked at least 3, and averted one nuclear war (with North Korea). Lots of shit happened in this decade. Look back at it fondly and begrudgingly then hope the next one doesn't kill us all.
New governor, who I voted- Argentina's the same as ever: Rape, rape, rape, death, rape, rape, traffic accident, rape, rape, rape, transexual guys making melodramatic declarations on TV to get attention they can't elsewise get in a prostibule, some more rape and unemployment and international debt complaints. Oh, and I think I'm forgetting about rapists.

Other than this, Argentina's been pretty calm, except for the drug-addicts running rampant and steal/killing for 10 pesos (2.70 dollars or nearby).

Here's hoping for a new year where we'll get less melodrama from sexually dubious individuals on TV and more mud-wrestling between hot chicks wearing sexy and skimpy bikinis.

I think the decade actually ends next year, if decades are counted the same way as centuries.
If you think of it that way, tomorrow means we're gonna be living the first day of the 11th year of the second millenia. o:
Nice one, Mar (:
At last, this horrid year ends and I sleep through this wonderful day being sick enough to want person to person interaction. the last few hours are here and i'm probably gonna sleep through them. happy new year everyone!
For me, New Year's is just 12 minutes away..

It's been one eventful year and I loved almost every day of it. I hope this new year will bring even more good days.. all we can do is hope.
Ah~ The Philippines was hit with three typhoons in a row that flooded the place, and there were massacres here and there.

But Ireland was gewd.
(01-01-2010, 08:47 AM)Wisemon Wrote: [ -> ]I think the decade actually ends next year, if decades are counted the same way as centuries.

No I think these are actually counted normal. Since ***0 is a year if the rest are not all zero.
It's a surprise how much the last three years has changed me... And looking back thinking how things could have been oh so much different.

Oh screw it, I found Mana Khemia. I'm happy where I am. 2010, ho! *lifts plastic sword*
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