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Anyone in pre-cal or been in pre-cal, know how to do graphing sin and cos, its freeking hard to do.
I feel obligated to tell you your mistakes, but that's not exactly the productivity you need at this time, so I'll just leave the floor open for anyone else who may have..... Hmph
I just finished Pre-Calculus and have moved on to Advanced Calculus, so I think I can help you out. Well, actually, I don't see why you can't do it. Do you take notes in class? Those would really help. Anyway:

1. Find the period of the function. The way you find the period is by using this: 2π / b.

2. Once you find the period, you can set up your x-axis. For example, if the period is 2π, then you can set it up at intervals of π / 2.

3. Then, once you have got your x-axis figured out, just plug in the values to find the values of y. So, if your period is 2π, you just plug in (π / 2), π, (3π / 2), and 2π for x.

* π = pi ; it kind of looks weird on the site, so I figured I might want to put this in case you didn't know what it was. ^ ^;

Hope this helps you somehow.... Plugging in values is the best way to go; I never got an answer wrong using that method.
I fucking hate that class, my teacher is a freeking bitch. Nobody in the class likes her. The last test I did, I think I proably did really bad on it.
Let me tell you that this isn't the least of your problems. If you can't even graph a sine or cosine function, what are you going to do when you have to graph secant, cosecant, tangent, and cotangent functions? And have you started solving trigonometric equations yet?? If your teacher sucks, I suggest going to some other math teacher or something to get help because you cannot mess around with this stuff. This is the hardest part of Pre-Calculus and if you plan on taking Calculus, you'll probably laugh when you're introduced to solving limits because they are so easy compared to this.
o.o I am not taking precal. FUCK THAT,

Crim said, "Amen!" to this.