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Hey guys.

Been a long time fan of this site since long before it was actually legal for me to see it.

So.. Here's a little info.

Name: Zach
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Makeout song: I can't listen to music and make out at the same time.
Relationship status: Married (Not legally, yet :( )

At the moment I'm working my way through college. Just a general education for now, but I'll decide something specific later.
Welcome to the board. We have a slight initiation process, *Holds up a unicycle and tutu* Just put that on, hop on the cycle and ride through that hall, *Points to a hall filled with boiling magma* do that and you're in!
Certainly more interesting than high school initiation.

Can't I just bake cookies for everyone instead? I mean.. I'd hate to make a mess of the hallway on my first day here.
Welcome to the DaD Forum *bows*

Were you going to make chocolate chip ones? =D

Flambella: *looks down* If you are I'll take a dozen please! =3
Cowboy: uhhh, you can't use the oven....Hazmat isn't done cleaning it out yet.

Reyna:*in the kitchen* ...why does it smell like plutonium in here?
Hello there, ignore SK, he's trying to get you killed. He's just jealous other people have introduction threads. v.v Now for your REAL initiation, take this gun and shoot yourself in the head.
welcome ^^
here you´re much desired cookies, brought some from home *takes some and gives them to everyone* ^^
Hey there.

Dark: *comes out of one of the lava pits* It's alright until you fall it, you're likely of you have something the blocks fire damage and you're safe.
Reyna: *getting de-contaminated by the Hazmat crew* WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING PUTTING PLUTONIUM IN THE OVEN?!

Cowboy: hehehe...it was a bit of a suprise for DMX.

Reyna: I've never even SEEN him use the oven!! *growls as she gets hosed off, exposing her modest breast, usually hidden by her chest tuft*

Cowboy: ...I didn't think my plan through.
Dark: No, you haven't cowboy. *wisely looking away from Reyna*
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