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Full Version: Southern Cross (Kyosan/Matt Ishida)
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"ohh~ the perfect chance" Innocently clinging to his neck, Yoosei smiles at the dragon. "ohh? Your place? Lady luck is smiling at me, I bumped against the nicest guy I had ever get to know. It spares me from going to check every hotel." she poked her tongue out playfully. Hehe~
"Alright then, just follow after me then, I guess. I'll show you the way." Kurtz chuckled lightly, blushing softly from her clinging before then softly breaking it- his tail wagging gently before beginning to lead the way back to his place.
Swishing her tails softly back and forth, the purple vixen then follows Kurtz. "oh silly me. With all this, we haven't even introduced ourselves." chuckling softly, she then adds. "My name is Yoosei and yours?". Even though she knew it, she needed to continue on with her role.
Hi! This used to include an old post, but due to ancient egypsun spoiler attacks, the old comment seems to be missing! Terribly sorry for any inconvenience!
"err..." The purple vixen looks up at the dragon and twitches her ears cutely. "Oh nice to meet you Kurtz" she smiles before adding. "I came from a small village nearby, you always had lived in this big town?" she asked curiously.
Hm. That doesn't sound right... Kurtz paused, though didn't show a sign of noticing her slip-up as he then chuckled and nodded. "Yup, I've lived here for almost all my life. Quite uneventful really, nothing ever happens."
Instinctively, she wraps her arms around his. "oh come on, such a big place and nothing interesting happens? That can't be right" she poked her tongue out playfully. "hmm is your place still far?" she asks curiously, looking at him with an innocent look.
"Well, not too far away, it's just around this corner," Kyosan murmured, noticing his street was coming up while blushing gently, heading towards the house slowly while whipping out his keys. Approaching the front door, he opened the set of doors before stepping aside, smiling. "After you."
Blinking surprised, Yoosei then smiles and unwraps her arms from around his to then gently stepping inside his place. Her tails wagging softly back and forth as she looks around quietly, smiling softly nonetheless. "It is quite a nice place you got here" she comments.
"You think? It's only a bit of china and a few little decoratives over the time, nothing special." Kurtz began, walking slowly through the room as he headed on for a moment, heading into the front room before quickly and quietly snapping a door shut, before then smiling and re-appearing. "So, anything you'd like? A drink, food?"