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A few days ago i found out the com to org change but before that i didn't really reply or make any threads so i was kind of anomous throughout here i didn't even make one of these so i'm trying to change also i got one of my friends to join today. he goes by zdawg so if you meet him say hi me and him need as many friends here as we can get
Welcome to the DaD. ^_^ You already know how crazy it can get here so I'm just gonna give you the traditional welcome pie. And remember. The cake is a lie!

[Image: 1248932046gunzcon_king-cobra-naga00.png]
That's one delicious-lookin cobra.
Puppy! *Hugs giant deadly snake thingy*

Slash: That's Shadow, don't worry about him he's the harmless kind of psychotic. Usually only brings pain and injury to himself. Welcome to the board, enjoy your stay, and stay away from the swirley vortex thingy, we think it's a gateway to hell or something. We've just been using it to throw our trash into.
XD its only a little smaller than Boss' draggy meat! :3
A sleepy welcome from yours truly, Masquerade. A pleasure to have you here. Seems like you know what everything's about and junk and stuff...so yeah. Neat. Cake=lie. Everybody knows that. Does that stop us from eating it?


Does it stop us from throwing it?

Hell no.

It may be a lie, but cake is delicious. I hope you like cake. If you don't, well, that's okay. It's okay to not like cake. Oh. Forgot to mention--I'm like the easiest person to get along with, so don't be afraid to PM me or whatever if you have a question or something, or you just wanna talk.

So yeah. *stares blankly up at the ceiling* I guess that's it. Another crazy post tallied. Yay. But seriously. Go all out and have fun!! XD
If you want to chat and have a good time, you have come to the right site. Enjoy the lifestyle, topics, and rp's that are here and no need to be shy. This site is great. Have a splendid day and keep your muses happy and listen to some music today ;3.