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And so, my Winter Break turned from two weeks to a full month just today.

After the provincial elections, the Health Minister Director decided to issue out a "National Health Warning" decrete which was made effective today as of 16:00hs in the afternoon. My classmates and I lingered for about 10 minutes earlier until our Administration Principles teacher came to say: "Bye kids. See you on August." and then we got a formal speech from the guy in charge saying that Classes, Exams, the Faculty Office and everything related to the University and every social-group hangout facility would be put on halt until 3/08. Worried about the amount of Argentinian victims "Type A" Flu has claimed, the government has decided to stall the illness from propagating anymore, thus persuading people to stay indoors and at the same time, prolongate and forward our anual Winter Break.

Tomorrow morning I had a Maths I exam I hadn't studied for.
Okay, the powers that be were smiling on you. Now start studying!

Nah, just messing. Sleep til noon and watch cartoons in your underwear while eating cereal straight from the box. You know you want to.
Damn, and I thought hearing 1600 confirmed cases over here of Swine Flu was enough to make me think twice. I'm wondering though if soon we'll see Swine Flu hit Level 6.
Quote:Nah, just messing. Sleep til noon and watch cartoons in your underwear while eating cereal straight from the box. You know you want to.

Sleeping a lot might help. I'm also infected. But if I keep sucking in cold I might not better anymore, lol. I'm going back home today, and right now I'm having delusions of snoring for a week straight.
Infected? You don't have swine flu, do ya? But still, that sounds well nice. I'd be jealous if i wasn't on summer break now, which lasts for longer than yours, nyaaaaah.

But get well!
Yeah. I doubt I've Swine Flu, still haven't banged pigs. /darklamejoke

But seriously, I've not shown the symptoms that differ Swine Flu from common Flu, so I guess I just gotta move my ass back home, sleep for three or four days while having tasty stuff to drink and then I'll be up and running again.

Head hurts when I think.
I haven't gotten sick in over five years, and I doubt the flu could get me either. Here are my surefire prevention strategies:
1. Lots of vegetables
2. Frequent hand washing
3. Avoid all human contact

Just take these simple steps, and you'll be almost as healthy as me.
Yeah, that last one is the best way to avoid catching the pig flu. Only leave the house when you have to, at school or work, stick to yourself and only interact when absolutely needed, and go home as soon as you can. Don't stay out with the sickies anymore than you have to!

Of course, then you'll lose all your muscle mass, and become a fat slob. Or a skinny girlyboy.
So you guys have a flu and a election huh? Wow. That may explain something.
Hopefully not. It may jsut be too hot for the modem there.
Um... don't get sick.
Trying to. But I've been indoors for five days now. And yeah Wise, I cook lots of vegetables with the meat I use in my food. School/College for Argentina doesn't exist until the third of August, Cowboy, lol. But you're right, I'll lose some musclemass by being idle here, so as soon as I get better I'll invade a gym and carry on with my routines!

Elections made me feel worse. You might not be too far off base, Unknown!
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