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Full Version: Hmm... I was wondering...
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Do you believe in abstinence: Depends on the situation.

What's your favorite color: Blue

What's your favorite animal: Dragon! If it has to be real, I'd have to saw owls.

If you could be an animal, what would it be: Any avian or an orca/dolphin :P

Who is your childhood hero: Spyro the Dragon. Love 'em!

If you were placed into a mythical world of magic, swords, and other mythical wonders, what would you be: Dragon, duh.

How do you feel about yourself: I'm a nerd! In a good way :P
... Dragons were once real, so they count.


(03-30-2009, 03:15 AM)MagusKnight Wrote: [ -> ]... Dragons were once real, so they count.

Dragons lived in old English times in the medevil day. Digimon however don't count. Because they aren't real unless your dead and your in the after life in that particular world that is which your paradise is.
Quote:... Dragons were once real, so they count.
Not unless you mean komodo dragons, which are still real.


(03-30-2009, 09:24 AM)Wisemon Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:... Dragons were once real, so they count.
Not unless you mean komodo dragons, which are still real.

Fire breathing dragons. Ya know the ones the Black nights killed off. :( I never understood why people in the old age would kill even the fire beast.
(03-30-2009, 01:24 AM)Wisemon Wrote: [ -> ]Come on, pick one. You can still be unknown and have a favorite color.

I was actually going to say turtles or tortoises as well, but then I remembered humans.

You said that first thing before. And I'm not very decisive about favorite things. You're kind of lucky I could even pick a best friend.
Do you believe in abstinence?

Not really. I believe that sex is a healthy and normal part of life, that's beneficial, in several ways. (Of course, if the proper precautions are taken...and if you have a consenting and loving partner; that helps, too. Blush ) Otherwise, if I, myself, had to go without sex; I'd definitely would have to masturbate every so often just to stay sane. Oh, and I'd need a massive supply of some sort of porn, too. [Furry, scaly, avian, Hentai...I'm not too picky. :D ]

What's your favorite color?


What's your favorite animal?


If you could be an animal, what would it be? (aside from your favorite, furries excluded)

Some large canine.

Who is your childhood hero?

Never had one.

If you were placed into a mythical world of magic, swords, and other mythical wonders, what would you be?

A dragon, of course!

And the final question: How do you feel about yourself?

I loathe myself...and my life; how I have to live with almost no free time to do what I want to do, without others butting in. Sometimes, I just wish I was dead...or never even born.
Dragons were killed off because many thought they were evil.
Hell no


Snow leopard

German shepard

My Grandfather

The same, a ninja

Good aside from my troublesome flaws(Procrastination/what i'm doing right now)
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