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Er, yeah... I'm moving again, but this time, it won't be too far (second floor of the apartment complex). For the past three or four days, we've been going up and down, past the parking lot, up stairs, down stairs, indoors, outdoors, over and over again, I never knew we had this much stuff, and my back and arms are KILLING me.

But that's not the point.

We'll be getting a new internet box with WiFi... so this old one will be cut. It'll take a week for the new box to go online, so I will be gone for... a week, yeah. I want everyone in the RPs I'm in to static me, I really wouldn't want to be the one holding a good plot back. I'll miss you guys!!
*mourns* This strips me of the hope that I'd actually be online with you under regular circumstances anyway! *weeps openly*
Yeah, that totally blows. Oh, well. See ya when ya get back, Ray!
I'll be waiting.
Aw, well, at least you're getting a new box! I got a router myself so I got Wi Fi yesterday, heh heh. Anyway Ray, best of luck, will be waiting in the RPs!
hey at least you don't have far to move i've had at least 8 different houses over the course of my life that may not seem like many but thats an average of moving once every 2 years so yeah i know how much of a pain in the arse moving can be id be happy to help but i'm uh busy that weekend >.> (that and i live in canada)
EEE! As luck would have it, a guy I know's parents are on vacation for a whole month, and I don't have classes for a week... so I get to use HIS internet connection if I sleep over enough! I'm a leeching whore! But yeah, I meesed you guys!

I have ten or so days before my own internet is reestablished.
Hope you're back soon! :D

We'll all be missing ya!
Welcome back and let your RP-times begin. :P
Ooh, I'm baaaa-hack! I remedied my situation by stealing my aunt's DSL box, which provides me with slow internet that randomly disconnects, but its better than nothing! This box is MINE for at least two weeks before the net is cut completely again, but hopefully by then, my parents' will have either gotten a new internet connection for me, or bought me a Blackberry Storm!
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