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Guys, I know I've been a ... well for a loss of words a bitch. And I'm going to try to be nice from now on.
No need to be. And I've never thought of you as a bitch, in fact I always thought it made you have a nice personality flavor.

But, the decision is yours obviously.
...And you are?
Magusknight, with a weird name.
I've never thought of you as a bitch, either.

So, you have strong opinions and speak your mind. What's the big deal?
I mean, everybody's different...and you're just being you.
What! Don't say that, you're not a bitch, to me your a very nice gal, sweet person, who always enjoy my artwork. And your always being honest that's what I like about you. ^ ^
To be honest, I always thought you were a fun bitch. The kind you wanted to have on your side of an arguement.

...but if you wanna not be a bitch anymore, go for it.
Its Magusknight? O.o;
Aw, but I likes joo! You are awesome! I've been called a bitch at school, its really funny!

Do what ever you want Raze!
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