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Full Version: Come give your MSN ^^
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Hi everybody^^ I just have that ideas... Now I have a bad internet conection(BOOOOUH) but I can post it's^^... A lot of peoples here like to ''chat'' with others people... So all the people who want it's(Shit... I really suck in english ¬¬) just post your MSN adress, so i gonna list them all here^^ You can give a YAHOO adress if you want^^ I'm french... But I like a lot to speak with others peoples^^ and a lot with english peoples^^

Members MSN or YAHOO

Shao : sotagishao@hotmail.com
That's the beauty about this site. Click on anyone's screenname, and, if they want people to see information such as that, it's there. AIM, Yahoo, MSN, even websites if they have them. It's all about whether they want you to see them or not.

If you really insist, however, I'll post mine.

Yahoo: ford302pos
MSN: turbowolf302@live.com
Oh... I know that, I just post it's because some people don't know that^^
my MSN is stphnpvsk@yahoo.com