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Full Version: Something New
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Well I wondered if you use other forums, is there a way for us to put a button beneath every thread saying "Quote this post" like the one we have but it allows for you to multiply quote others with a click right next to their entire section in the thread. They have it in FA forums and I think it would be easier of it was possible to add this button to each one. I mean I don't mind adding one or two manually but it gets tedious.

I just hope something like this could be done. Are there any other buttons that would be helpful to posting, please suggest that here as well. The only one I know of is in FA


that is the button and would make posting threads slightly easier when engaging multiple quotes.
We already have that don't we.
Very odd never saw that button before until you mentioned it. o.o;
Yeah. I normally don't see it because I normally block scripts from sites with Firefox. But they are there.