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Full Version: It's been a while.. glad to be back though everyone
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Hey there everyone. Misty's back!

Sorry for the LONG leave of absence. Between school, friends, work, not having a computer, the loss of pretty much EVERYTHING on here.. I haven't had time.. or the interest of being on here anymore.

But I'm glad to say that I'm back and I will hopefully be on here more often again. Like everyday pretty much. I have a new computer now.. [a pretty nice laptop, I might add] and I love it.

I know I need to catch up on a lot of things.. but maybe some old friends can help me with that.

Hope to start talking to everyone again sometime soon.

Best reguards,
Misty :3
Yup! Glad to have you back! Walking milk factory ahoy! *Waves claw* Glad you haven't changed your fursona's appearance, by the way! Have some ice-cream, just remember you can't have pie. It's mine.
Does that mean you are back? *Giggles and noses* Like right now?! =P *nuzzles*
It's very nice meeting you, I heard a lot about you. x3
Yeah.. I can't change her appearance.. I love her the way she is. ^^ And why can't I have pie? D: I like pie...

And yes Gabu.. I am back.. right meow! xP

I've seen you on here a lot Tigerlily.. but it's nice to meet you too. ^^ I hope the things you've heard were good. o.o
Misty, Misty, Misty! Welcome back! Hope all's going well and hope to see you around the places! :3 Don't be afraid to drop a hello if you need to talk to anyone, haha. :P
welcome back my friend ^^
^^ Aww thank you Kurtz.. thank you Yoosei. :3

Yeah I hope to be more active around here. I miss everyone
*Steals and takes her away to my lair!~* Heheheeh so now you cant leave..eeeeeeeeeeeeever again!~ :P
Hey!! Nuuu!! *squirms* I don't think a couple people would like that! >.< Haha
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