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Full Version: Favorite type of WInged Cold-blooded Lizard?
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What's your favorite type? Personally, I think it depends on the winged cold blooded lizard itself.
After careful analysis (I closed my eyes and pointed at the screen.) and conferring with other people (Did the same.) I decided to go for wyrm.
Are they Cold Blooded? Cuz I had the impression they had hot blood, unless they were Frost Wyrms/Drakes/Dragons/etc.

And Wyrms are like dragons, but built more like bats, right? They lack fore-legs/arms, and have wings instead, like pterodactyls.

I like "Grand Dragons". Like Dragons, only older, more powerful. And respected.
Wouldn't that fall under elder dragon?

Can't get enough of elder dragons, insanely powerful and just plain destruction without batting an eyelid.
Yeah, but in the end they go senile forget they can't fly and jump off a cliff. Shame really.
Hmm. I like myself. What category do I fall in? ;D
Hot, Buff, Digi-Dragon?

You're a whole category yourself! ^ ^

But I'm leaning toward "Blue Anthro Digi-Drake".
(10-06-2008, 09:13 AM)DragonMasterX Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm. I like myself. What category do I fall in? ;D
A one hot titan dragon who can't fly xD

All of the above :D
Wait, but you can fly! What a huge discrepancy. Maybe Ereth falls into humanized wyrm category, with uh, excessive amounts of masculine endowment that is.
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