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Full Version: Dark Knight Squad
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Pages: 1 2
I was thinking 'Team DKM' at first, but that one sounded better. I was thinking of this group being ready to help out in any situation. Well?
well it doesn't sound to bad tell me more
Well, I've been seeing diffrent groups that focus on just one particular thing. What if, say there was one that supported the needs of other groups, or something along that line.

I had originally got the idea of one like this after the big battle in the replies thread. I thought it would be a good idea, but I wasn't too sure if this could work out or not. So I thought about giving this a try.
well lets give it a try where do i sign
Until I learn more on how this works right... *Takes out a clipboard with a blank peice of papar* ... Right here would be good. *Takes the pen from the top of the clipboard and holds it out to GM.* This way I'll be able to know who's already accepted. ^_^
well it's starting to spam here so back on topic
Ok, now all we have to do is wait for others to join up...
Lol, Dark Knights of the DaD Table?
Hey Ray, Loki. Interested in this group?
Yeah... Interested!
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