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Full Version: Im Leaving!!!!
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Thats right, you heard me .

I am leaving on a canoing trip this weekend and I will be gone for a little while. i just wanted to let you all know and I will tell you all about it when I get back :D

I am excited and terrified at the same time...it feels awesome!

I will be leaving on Saturday the 14th at 7am and will be back on Friday the 20th at some time.

Just thought I would let you all know.

see ya in a while then Roran! ^^ (that is, after you leave. i might be gone too before you get back x3)
Well, good luck then Amigo! Avoid them rapids!
Ok then. Have fun. Don't fall in the water too much.
Have fun and come back with a entertaining story or don't come back at all.
lol i saw the title of this and was like nooooo we have someone leaving the forum TT_TT. have a fun time and watch for the rapids!
Well I don't think there will be too many rapids but I went for a " test drive" in Lake Michigan and we tipped over v.v but it was fun getting wet. It was nice for a change. I just hope that it doesn't happen on the trip!
Remember avoid the level 5 rapids. Or was it the level 1 that are worse. Well to be safe just don't go near the water. Don't even go near the docks, just walk around the boardwalk and have some icecream.
lol in the middle of summer, i bet it was nice
lol, stay out of the water! ze leeches! Zey CONSPIRE!
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