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The Digidested are too often brushed over in this section. How about an informal debate regarding the most attractive Digidestined? Bonus points for graphic evidence, though do think about personality, too. Can't have it getting too shallow.
I'll start out with most obvious choice (for me): Yamato.

Piercing blue eyes, always with a cool hairstyle, a rocker, a good voice. He takes care of his little brother, he can cook, and he really cares deep down inside, even though he doesn't show it. Besides, even if you don't like him that much, his package deal comes with Gabumon, and if you can't handle hanging out with the two of them, then you're severely broken.

I'll put more thought into this later.
Um... do the people from Frontier count?

If they do.. then um.. That one guy who turns into Lobomon.. or maybe his brother...

If they don't.. um.. I would have to say T.K. (second season thingy.. not the first one >.<)
Of course they count.

Yamato is certainly an attractive guy, but I daresay he'd be hard to get really close to because he's so broody and insular.
I suppose. By the time he comes back in and saves everyone's ass in series one, he's pretty okay. And he's pretty chummy with everyone in series two. Besides, what's wrong with a project that's going to pay massive arm candy dividends in the final chapter?

Moving right along...

Jyou's got a lot going from him in his 02 incarnation. Much better hair, much better glasses, much better attire. Extra points (I feel) are in order for his non-traditional hair colour. He's mature, funny without trying, and he'll take care of you when you're sick. What's wrong with a cute guy on his way to a career that'll make him bundles of money? I'll tell you: nothing at all!
(giggles) you are such a cutie Senjy....

I agree with Yamato, I just enjoy the fact that he seems to have such a tough exterior but at heart he is just a simple perfect sweet-heart that could love you day in and day out. Heh, call me different but I wouldn't mind helping to break away the ice that had surrounded his heart any day of the week. His attitude is so awesome as well not to forget that. <3 I just hope that others agree. I think he is just amazing. I could picture him by my side and not having a care in the world. (blushes deeply.) Just because he is around...hehehe..

Hopeless romantic <3
I like Joe (or Jyou.. or however the fuck you spell it.. >.<) He has a good haircut in season 2.. is always around when you need him.. genuinely cares about those around him, is not afraid to get his hands dirty when he has to. He is the most mature out of all of them, and he does have a good sense of humor.

Didn't like him in season 1.. Such a whiner..
I may as well give everyone a fair turn in the ring: time for Takeru (TK).

His 01 uselessness is a difficult hurdle to overcome. His behaviour is irrational, even for a kid that young, and I cringed just about every time he opened his mouth. He wasn't blessed with a same-gendered voice actor, and the whole "grown-woman-trying-to-sound-like-a-younger-male" has never really sat well with me since my Astro Boy days. His only saving grace was that he was the only DigiDestined to not get key-chained and his Digimon just happened to be kick-ass awesome in its Ultimate form.

Fortunately, he received a major rehaul in just about every department for 02. He got rid of his weird Chinese-style gem hat and shapeless green vest in favour of a cream bucket hat, stylish teal boots, and a neat blue-and-yellow running shirt. Jammin'! Also, say goodbye to pathetic whining, physcial incapacity, and overall Digimon partner uselessness. Instead, say hello to better voice acting, a fierce growl, and cat-like reflexes (ie. catching Ken's whip). As an added bonus, this guy hates evil so much that he's practically evil for doing so. Cute guy + unspeakably evil dark urges = good in the sack. (Maybe? I have no idea.) Either way, he's a nice guy who won't really outshine you physically or academically and will stick with you through it all.
I wondered if I'd have to be the first to mention Jyou. He is aesthetically and verbally charming, and I'm certain that he knows exactly what he's doing when he makes a self depresiating gag: people like him are clever enough and witty enough to make them. I wouldn't even concider Takeru for 01, or Iori in 02, but the elder TK is certainly a catch. He's got humour and taste, and though his morality is esqued he is generally decent and intelligent.
Thank God...I was afraid I'd cornered myself into a review of Cody/Iori. *wipes sweat from brow* I feel much better now.

Children with bowl cuts and annoying voices = teh suck.
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