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Full Version: Naruto looks like a pansy
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I think the name of the psycho guy I was refering to is Zabuza or something like that... the masked dude I don't remember.. but he did that weird mirror thing.
uhmmmmm..... Oh yeah yeah!!! What was his name again? Did you mean the one that looks like a girl?

Whaaaaaaa...... Why won't the damn photobucket stop lagging that mother fucking site!!! I can't bloody submit
anything God damn it.......
Nope. Zabusa and his girl/boyfriend Haku are both dead. Suigetsu, the "water moon" is who I mean. He can turn into water. He does have zabusa's sword though. And he wants the shark guy's sharkskin sword.
And for reference Team Snake is

Jungo is the reluctant psycho. His blood is where we get the curse mark from.
I know they are both dead.. I just said that I liked them... Only saw the one episode, but still.. it was cool
YO, What up people I finally uploaded my next drawing hope you guys check it out....... Thanks
Just an aside to you, go purchase a sketch book and it will help and improve your work because those lines take away from your work. If you are in school a sketch book will do some justice, because some of the lines make it seem bent in some areas. It doesn't cost more then 20$ for an 11inch by 9inch. so if you buy one that is about legal size it should be less...Best places to get them cheap Rag Shop, and some other places but you should look into it ^_^....Nicely done as is...
(Points, then yells.) AHHHHHHHH!!! AAAAAHHHH-AHHHHHHH-AHHHHHHHHH!!!! You submitted ME!!! Ahem, sorry. Got excited. NARUTO IS NOT GAY!!! He nose-bled when Konohamaru did the double knock-out girls technique on him!
And Sasuke just so happens to be my THIRD FAVORITE CHARACTER!! Well.... mostly out of pity, but still a fave. I mean, what do expect from him? He stood in the shadow of his AWESOME big brother, and did everything to get his dad to acknowledge him (he was no different from Naruto back then- except he had a family.) and managed to do it too. His brother killed everyone in his family, used Tsukoyomi on him, then told him that he wasn't worth killing and that he had to hate him. Sasuke had a lot of BROTHERLY LOVE, other than his love for his mom, dad, and other relatives back then, and his brother did that. What should he do, be HAPPY and SOCIABLE and fall in love and start a family who MIGHT get the same fate as his old clan? Itachi's still out there after all. He SAID "thank you" to Sakura! Oh yeah, and it was hinted in the manga that Karin and Sasuke did "something", as noted by Suigetsu, but Karin punched him before he could finish. NOT GAY. Mildly angsty, but not gay. And he killed friggin orochimaru. That snake bastard is the gay one! Then he stopped a battle between Suigetsu (who had Zabuza's sword) and Jugo (who could control his cursed form with mastery) with KILLING INTENT (and a few summoned snakes). That's awesome, Sasuke IS COOL. His clothes suck though, his clothes are GAY. Please Lazify Sasuke Laz- LAZIFY HIM!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! AAAAH-HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!!!

...Sorry. I'm a SasuSaku fan.
tl;dr Please paragraph next time. But no one is gay. Besides, the snake may not be dead but for now he is. Naruto and Sasuke are a lot like a coin. Very similar. Also Sasuke's team is now awesome. They had to send 8 people out to find him or Itachi. And the good news is that the other three are team 8.
Kiba and Akamaru, Shino, and Hinata. Who is the cutest thing ever.
Also, do you mean Sasuke/Sakura? I like Rock Lee/Sakura only because Uciha has been gone all this time and he has a female in his team.
Thank you. As a matter of clearing things I do have a sketch pad and at that time I just couldn't FIND IT ANYWHERE!!!

(mumbles something about how his little brother hid it and how Lazaforth was tormented of the fact he couldn't find it every where he looked but grins because he beats up his brother for doing such a heinous act against his kind and caring brother... THAT FUCK!!!)

Wait as sec....... WOW!!!! FINALLY RAY is BACK. THAT MOTHERRR !!!...... IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU SHOWED YOUR FACE AND POSTED SOMETHING YOU PRICK!?? Well, anyhooo hurry and start the RP, FOOL!!! How do you expect me to start if I don't use your Post as a guide huh???

Oh! almost forgot, that drawing of your mechchain sword thing? Well I'll be finishing it by the end of the month so wait up on it......
WELL EXCUUUUSE ME FOR GETTING LOST IN GERMANY!! It's cold there! And I'm having a writer's block, so I'm having a teensy problem with the details, but DON'T WORRY!! I'll have it done soon!


Come online soon eh? add me, backlasher_ray on YM!!
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