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Full Version: Renamon's Army
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Kurtz: *snuggles White and comes back in a moment later, before hugging Grim close* THANK YOU.

White: *giggles from the offside and smirks deviously*

Kurtz: You know, maybe I should ask Steven if I could swap Lurea for White as our partners...

White: *ears twitch, eyes widen*
Me: what's going on here?

Taomon: havent a clue...

Me: *shrug* whatever.

Taomon: *paints the Mona Lisa with her paintbrush* ha!

Me: Holy...that's AWESOME!
#^_^# T'was nothing... *huggles back*
Taomon: HUTTAH! *paints AWL like a clown* hehe!! ^__^

AWL: T_T *walks away*
so that is a total of 2 votes for Calibremon then

Calibremon: 2 votes (krutz, master grim)
Mars the Great: 0 votes
*LOLs* ^_^ Go Cal! *crowd cheering sound effect*
yeah! my vote is for the insane color-man! (calibremon)
When will the group be officially started? FTW :P
Calibremon: 3 votes (krutz, master grim, AWL)
Mars the Great: 0 votes
so the winner is Calibremon by 3 votes to my 0 votes.
way to go Calibremon!!!
Yay! Thanks to the whole 3 people who voted for me :P

Right, next on the agenda: Appointing a second-in-command. I nominate Mars ^_^; It WAS his idea, I'd like for him to retain some control over his lil' brainchild.

After that, everyone has to start PMing SonicHowler to start the group so we can like... recruit and stuff.
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