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Full Version: Teh Weirdness factor!
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thats just plain....creepy...11010001010103821614981634187/10

finding out your took your virginity a few months back.
Hot, especially if woman 8/10.

A naked woman carrying an orange singing turtle on her head.
O.o ... 10/10

A non-insane Mister Big T! :B
Oh...um...how 'bout 8/10.

A television newscast without propaganda.

finding out that your mom is a transvestite

Driving a new car that doesn't have any flaws in it.
7/10 Dude, cars are evil!

Seeing 2 girls admirin' who got bigger tits, clits and video tape collections!
10/10, However, contact me right away, if you're able to locate any! Twisted

A furry fan that doesn't love Renamon.
0/10. People have their opinions, leave them alone.

Seeing your furry persona walking down the street.
10/10 And then such heavy consumnation of alcohol would commence that no one had heard before.

A woman going around, stabbing herself to the shoulder while screaming that she's angry death oxygen.
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