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Quick sketch... gonna shade and color it tomorrow.. its my character Alita, and Lover Mama's character Inarra

Thats another good one! Artistically speaking of course. I can't wait to see it finished!
Very good work, Niyara! Very nice! Between you, AWL, Death and few others here, I think I'm going to crack down and start devoting at least an hour per day to my artwork as well. Keep up the great work!
Very good work, Niyara! Very nice! Between you, Faiz, Death, AWL and a few others here, I think I'm going to crack down and start devoting at least an hour per day to my artwork, as well. Keep up the great work!
Niyara um very yifftastic lol. On the contemplative side, for tails keep them lucid and free because the one in the back looks a bit fake...lol
Yea... I need to fix that before I can say its done... kinda added it in quickly when I realized I forgot it.. but was too tired to really do it right..
wow! very nice Leomon Niyara! ^^ *gives her a cookie*
Very interesting. Your style seems to be that you follow no real pattern with your different works, each one almost appears as though it could have been a different person, yet, in all of them, I can see your own subtle touch which marks them as your own, and belonging to no other. Very well done.

The colors on the foxish man could use some work of course, as you already said, but it is still pleasing to look upon as a completed artwork.
Just thought it would be wise to point it out so you can fix it... (blushes softly)
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