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Now, I dunno if this has been done before or not, but if it has, I'm gonna revive it.

The Photoshop Game v1.0

Object: Take a random picture and photoshop/macro it to make it funny. Catch is the person above in the posts has to provide the picture to be photoshopped/macro'ed.

Oh, and It Has To Be Your Own Work. No google-imaging. :P


Person A: *posts a picture of a seal*
Person B: *adds 'seal-ed for freshness' to the above picture and posts it, then posts a new unedited pic for the next player to edit*

Get it? Good. Once a photo-edit has been posted, rate it on a scale of 1-10 (1 being the worst) before posting your edit. It makes people feel their work is appreciated :P

[Image: zombeesgone.png]
There's no original to see, seeing as I'm the first to post, but it IS my work. I promise.

Your first challenge:
[Image: 1170353754101.jpg]
I assume you meant to get a pic from 4chan? if that's correct.

First a little pic for your cat one:

[Image: zombiecat.jpg]

onto the game.


[Image: cute.jpg]

After being thrown into the SDP machine:

[Image: Evil.jpg]

person below Your picture.

[Image: 100_1939.jpg]
Okay, I think I didn't explain this well enough. My bad.

The first photo I posted (cat hiding from 'teh zombees') was an example of a photo edit.

The object of the game is to use the original photo the previous player posted (Me, in this case) to create a photo edit to post, and THEN post another original picture for the next player to edit.

And no, it doesn't HAVE to be 4chan, but that's a good place to look if you don't like Google Images. :P

Like for instance, I'm going to post the response to the original I just posted:

[Image: firsttofall.png]

New Original Photo

[Image: 1170344336544.jpg]
[Image: blewm.png]


[Image: fishie.jpg]

See how it works now? ^^;
[Image: fishie.png]

C'mon people, play with me ;-;

[Image: dangerous.png]
[Image: dangerous.jpg]

You're picture

[Image: sandboard-3down.jpg]
[Image: assfire.png]

[Image: Ferret.jpg]
[Image: Ferret.jpg]

Lawl. ^_^

[Image: string_thing_13.jpg]
unrelated but... wholly shit is that a Cyber-bass? o.O;

(i'll stop spamming my own topic now ^^; )
*prods this topic to see if it's still alive and promptly jumps back* :shock: It moved! ... ^_^; Oh, wait, that's because I posted... *laughs nervously*
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