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Full Version: Howlarious Youtube video (warning: graphic language)
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My boss at work just showed me this and it made me bust a gut.


If you don't like extremely bad language, don't watch it, seriously.
Angry german kid? That's not funny. That's just a kid who needs to calm down.
So old, yet so funny. I love that vid haha
Sheesh, I was beginning to wonder if anyone was going to reply.

Do you think the vid was for real? If it wasn't, that boy is a damn good actor.
I wouldn't be suprised haha people are insane these days :-p
Err. I've seen that before...even the translated one.
I saw that and I was like O_O Damn...
I couldn't really understand it that much even though I'm in German >_<
Dang, fifty bucks says that kid has a stroke before he hit's puberty.
I feel sorry for him. Lawl. And I agree with Shadow.
BTW that video is not real, it was fake but it was a well done acting job by Fox..
Actually, Gabu, I checked yesterday, before going to sleep. Fox did NOT make that. He is a fellow German who translated that.

The guy who made it had a few screennames, and made it for a laugh, but was eventually shot off the net thanks to people taking it wrongly.
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