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November 28th..
Is DMX's birthday...
Let's make him feel all special..

HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY DMX!!!!!!!!!

I love you!! (as a friend)

C'mon peeps!!
Let's sing to him!

[Image: 181b4ed440ff0924fc9a37cgy9.gif][Image: 0a0a7c455b6463dd0de2a6fji5.gif]
I'll refrain from singing but HAPPY BIRTHDAY DMX!
Happy Birthday DMX!! Let endless amounts of destruction drop at your feet XD.
eh...happy birthday
YEAH, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DMX! May your day be filled with joy and hot dragonesses XD
Shadow: Happy B-Day dude! I got you a gift. *Tugs on a leash pulling in an Aquarivamon dressed in a ribbon with a ball gag in her mouth* Didn't know what to get you but I figured you'd like this.
Never thought getting a soon Birthday party would be so nice. Thanks guys! I guess you'll have to say it again tomorrow, heh heh.
And it still wont get old!!!
Happy B-Day, DMX. Sorry I can't be around much to start a party, but go enjoy your day tomorrow. *pokes tongue out* Best wishes to you and a good day.
Happy birthday you crazy dragon you.
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