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I did that a few times. It was in PE and a math test but who cares about PE and I wasn't that good in math then. Ok but not real good.
Wisemon Wrote:
Quote:And you know, I'm your ever lost sister!!!!!
The one my mom miscarried?

Look, I know you wanted to be done. We all want to be done with something. When you're done with this stage, you'll have something else you'll want to be done with, and it'll keep going on like that until you die. There, does that make you feel better?
Hmm. *uses a Life Bottle in every one of the members of the orchestra, who then start to play again* *puts a lonely, melancholic face* No, Benjamin, I am your only sister....That person you've called your sister all your life is no one else than your real mother! She had you when she was 6! It was an awesome medical case, but everyone hid it!
(Note: It's a Venezuelan soap opera. Don't expect it to make sense.)

Seriously, do you feel the same as you did as a student? It's the same for you now that you're a graduate? This was going to be a big turn in my life. I want to get the title and throw it in my mother's face and say: "There! I got what you wanted! Now let me live my life!". She was the one who turned me away from my true love. She painted a landscape of pure blackness and desperation if I were to follow my true love. But you know whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! LOTS of people make a good living out of art! And I have talent! It's not like I am a pathetic bullshit artist that could never sell anything (and I know shitty artists that do anyway). So I'm tired to be treated like this!!! Slaving away for this crappy profession that she thinks will make me a millionaire or something!!!

.....sigh. Sorry about this, I just vented some things out. But it's the truth.

Quote:Just how damn hard are these exams, that you can't pass four exams in six weeks? Unless you also have to do all your normal work in addition to exams, without the benefit of a dedicated final exams period.
University. You'll know when you enter, especially if you go to the best one in your country like myself.
Quote:Are the exams hard enough to rationalize cheating?
Unfortunately, all except one are oral. I don't have methods to cheat in an oral exam.
Actually you can. It's just kind of hard.
Quote:Seriously, do you feel the same as you did as a student?
No, I feel this sense of "I don't know where to go from here," and that's exactly what you'll feel when you graduate.
I feel that too sometimes. Just not all the time.
Unfortunately, Zephyr, I shall never learn what you mean. I stand no chance of going to the best university for my desired major in the country. Maybe a slight-ish chance of the best in the state, but probably not. Hell, thanks to inadequately documenting my homeschooling I may not get in anywhere at all!

Hooray for failure! Evil :( :x 8)
same thing happened to me failed a class so I'll need a whole extra year
... it's crappy when you want to be independant.
Yeah, I just came back from another test and I failed AGAIN!!!!!!!!! I don't know what the fuck I did to piss off Lady Luck, but she's definitely not on my side. I thought I was pretty OK and this fucking teacher started asking me about biomechanic and all sorts of difficult and twisted stuff. And I had to get up at 5:45 to get in time because their classes are late at night but their exams are always 8:30 AM. I was gonna go to another test on Thursday, but I give up. These are just not my times. Bad astral configuration, a curse, I tread on a cat's tail....I don't know, but this just can't be. On top of everything....I hadn't said it until now, but I sent my work to a local magazine that was looking for mangaka, and it's been 12 days and I still got no answer. If I could work there, I could have finally tell off my mother that what she believes was wrong and I could make a living with art. Well, luckily I didn't tell her. But just right now, I don't know what else the fucking do. I can't work as an artist, I can't see when the fuck I'm gonna graduate, and I can't fucking bear my own life anymore. Maybe I'm just not supposed to go anywhere. I feel like in a quicksand; the more I strive, the more I sink. But even if I don't fight, I sink anyway. You see people that have a deadly disease and want to do anything to keep living; I wish I could give my life to them and everyone would be happy.
Well I can't believe you keep failing. So it can't be all your fault.
I am very unlucky. I usually just pass when I'm studied about everything, when the failing possibility is too small. But I have classmates that barely study and pass nonetheless.
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