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Gol: Evil Gnomes!! Where !? >.>
Me - There! Oh... wait... nope, it's just my old English teacher. Hi! *waves*
Tearcher (looks like a gnome lol) - *grumbles*
BlueGatomon: He's fine just exsited by everything if you put him somwhere dark he'l usually calm down but cuddling him seems to work too.

BLemming *relaxes and falls asleep.

BlueGatomon *whispers to Jeth "just dont mention gnomes he's scared of them, dunnow why, he just hates them."
Jeth - *blinks* OK. *snuggles BLemming* ^.^ Hehe, he's cute...

Me - :shock: I thought I was cute...
BlueGatmon: Yeah he's cute but he's still a pain, By the way if you actually made him go to sleep you diserve a medal.
Jeth - ^u^ *giggles*
BlueGatomon: Lemming? *clicks her claws infront of BLemmings face. "Hey Lemming POWERTOOLS........... :shock: Well I'l be a Gabumons uncle he is asleep!
Anyone got a marker pen?
Me - Yeah. What colour?

Jeth - ...?
BlueGatomon: Got a yellow one? *thinks well drawing a moustache on him would be pointless hes coverd in fur..........hmmmm anyone for a game of hang man?

***inside BLemming head***

BLemming: Hello? is anyone in here?....man this place is a dump look at all these cobwebs,
and how did that tumble weed get in here.
***Still inside BLemming's head***

BLemming *looks at a filing cabinet marked memories
*opens the filing cabinet and starts looking through it

BLemming *talks to himself as he reads the differant files "going to school, leaving school, going back to school, falling off the statue of liberty, gnomes.......*Screams GNOMES!

***outside BLemming's head***


BlueGatomon *Slapps BLemming "Lemming snap out of it!"---THUD

BlueGatomon: What was that?-THUD! *the room shakes *BlueGatomon looks at a randomly placed glass of water.

*THUD the water in the glass ripples with each thud

BLemming: Blue, is it possible for nighmares to become real?

BlueGatomon: What kind of nightmares?

BLemming: Like nightmares about--- *KABOOM! a wall exsplodes as a 20 foot gnome fireing laserbeams from it's eyes come crashing through the new hole in the wall.

BlueGatmon: Lemming please tell me thats one of your friends that i've never met before!

BLemming *cowers behind BlueGatomon

Giant Gnome *Starts randomly shooting things with its laser eyes

BlueGatomon: Ok Lemming you made that thing now make it go away!

BLemming: I dident make it! Somone needs to kill it! *looks at BlueGatomon.

BlueGatomon: HELL NO! you seeing this thing ITS 20 FOOT TALL AND FIRING LASERS! YOU GO KILL IT!

BLemming *keeps cowering behind BlueGatomon
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