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Full Version: Pretty scary for me that night
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Ooooh! I wanted to see that. Sounds like fun, without the 'scaring the shit out of me' part.

Hehe, nice one Wisemon.
not meaning to flame or what not...but how would you like it if someone or something just came out of nowhere and just scared the living hell out of you?

sorry 'bout that just had to say it...right now back on topic...

so it's plausible that it was an alian sighting or somekind of flash from nearby...maybe something that comes from five million light years away such as an alian space battle that was leathel to something but harmless to us? who knows...
*laughing* Because if you know me like my friends do, then scaring me is a lot of fun. Like I said, ask anyone that knows me..in this case, Roran. He will tell you that it's fun scaring me...

Where the heck did the idea of aliens come from...? Seriously. Sorry, I 'm about to go nuts...Christmas music is playing already..
oh...well some of us on the site are space nuts :D ...
Shhh! Don't reveal my secret....
You already did....oh well.
er? can't you just delete your post and edit it saying post deleted?
Yeah I could, but I was kinda being funny about it lol

omg...500 posts...not a big deal...but it is for me because I'm like never on here anymore...until now..

*gets up and dances like an idiot*
hey tha's big news!
fred_18: *notices a new post count* alright guys get ready...we're going to visit misty!
D.Fred?!:LETS GO!!!
congrats...now I want to see 500 more!
just kidding, but like wise, keep it up!
Wait...what's going on? Who's visiting me..?!
Hey, I'm trying to get 500 more by New Year's, though I doubt that will happen...if not, then we will try when I've been here for a year...
But thanks! ^_^
like wise ^.^
keep up the work...maybe you'll pass me on post count in a few weeks or by christmas...
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