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Full Version: I'm not suicidal...but just fucking end it all...
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Hmm...nice way of putting that Wisemon.

Yeah, I talked to someone via YIM *cough* Wolfey *cough* and I'm okay now. I just need to clear some things up with some other people. So yeah.

New subject...
Can anyone think of something...?
How about how other people can screw stuff up for you.

Glad to see you are better though.
*smiles slightly*
Your welcome
I got winked at!!
lol Don't mind me.
I'm very hyper when I run on so very few hours of sleep.
*hugs Aguy*
That is the same with me. I'm more awake with 4 hours of sleep than 6 hours.
Yeah. You should see me during the day at school.
I am soo hyper
It's not even funny...even ask my friends.
I had a really bad headache last night though.
Mostly because I had no sleep and because I was yelling at my mom.
She wouldn't leave me alone!! >_<
*pokes aguy and runs away*
Ghost_Op Wrote:I have many ban-worthy things to say right now, but I'll hold my tongue.

Quoted for emphasis. :roll:
What can I say, life sucks. But we deal with it, just remember there're people worse off than ya. I know someone that could just up and die any day of his life, imagine having to live like that. Knowing that any day you could just wake up and be dead. But he lives, he chats with friends he does fun stuff, he lives. Just keep going, it may not get better, but you'll be stronger for surviving.
Too many fucking ellipses....O.K....going to cut myself....cry....
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