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I'm so fucking tired of these idiots in almost all my classes always talking and getting the whole class into trouble. Shit doesn't anyone know how to SHUT THE HELL UP and RESPECT someone for once?! All i want to do is get the gawd damn work over and not have to listen to all their highschool drama shit. I honestly hope ill health to them and i really want to smack them out cold or tell them to shut the fuck up but nope that'll just snowball into a great big piece of OMFG DID YOU JUST TELL ME TO SHUT UP? YOU SHUT UP BITCH ect ect. I think my generation is going to completely FUCK UP this world, sorry to all that is in my generation but yeah we are fucked completely because of these single minded idiots. Shit just shut the hell up.... this is what i want to state during class but my words are meaningless to these fools of course.

Well i'm done ranting i guess, i want something to punch now, good bye.

Edit: This is just me venting
That is something I must agree with you on. My problem is when we are in chapel and we have a quest speaker. While the speaker is up there speaking about something interesting there are the people who are very disrepectful and just talk about how stupid this is or about some fart they let out. As for class my teachers solved that problem by doubling up on homework for the whole class when they are interupted.
In the army because of jokers like these, we had to run around the entire camp many times and do much more work and have less time to eat because some people just couldn't SHUT THE FUCK UP WHEN THERE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SILENCE. Why the hell they couldn't shut up and talk AFTER there was not required a silence is a forever mystery but everyone suffered because of these idiots and our room even planned on doing ol' "sock and soap" treatement if they'd not wisen up. (You gag a person and then everyone comes and hits you around your back with a soap that's in a sock) I don't know if they were given that since I was released shortly after receiving a promotion. But I know if anyone ever needed a roughing up, it was those people.

I mean I understand it takes time to adjust to rules and all but after two months, the person is just being an asshole. Fortunately, our lieutnant was very awesome in terms of punishments if someone spoke during his class.

"Soldier, raise!! Name and room?" he asked and reported this to superior. The speakers may have lost their vacation because of it and I couldn't be happier. :D

This same idiocity has been surrounding me ever since I graduated from school. After taking an extra class everyone inside were like total sluts or douchebags. When going to learn about future work, all my class mates were once again total and utter idiots who kept whining around the middle of class and stuff. So I gave up trying myself and began drawing shitty comics while on class. I also started Lemon Heaven around this time and began writing shitty lemons to vent off my frustrations.
I remember those guys in class, they were annoying as hell. They would always talk about retarded crap and it drove me crazy.
I'm always so lost in my thoughts I barely have time for mindless crap. Besides, hangovers are not what I get from drinking when I myself drink, so why'd I want to listen to my classmates talking about how drunk they got last night?

I sometimes even say "Shut up!" when the teachers that are (in)experienced can't get the needed silence, and they just stare on me about to laugh. It's funny when I stare on their faces when I look at them pissed off, they get scared and look away, heh heh.

But yes, I agree in the part of when you want to learn and they just won't shut up because the teacher never does a thing.
Nice to see I wasn't the only one who had to deal with idiots like this, it was a real pain in the ass hearing them blabbering on about nothing when I was trying to learn back in high school.
Hehe, you should feel honored Gabumonfurry, you didn't have it that bad. I advise if you don't think so to transfer to my graduating High School Dickinson High School. Really, you were lucky that there stupidity and ignorance is not sa superior as the one that exists here within my old alma mater. Count your blessings that not only your generation are morons, try 90% of the whole school.

As for the shut up thing, say it as long as it isnt one of those
"fighting words"
Oh, it was always fun to hear in my high school that Jenny said Tom is making moves on Katie who's going out with Jim who's really in love with Mary who's a lesbian and fucked Clarissa....SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU STUPID SHALLOW BITCH.

I once passed a note 'down the line' to one of the girls in my class; naturally she asumed I was asking her out. So she gets this smug-ass look on her face like 'nuh-uh, hoe', when she opens the note and finds out what's really written on it. The words 'Shut your giant fucking mouth' in really fancy, calligraphic text, with an illustration of me taking a heavy-duty clamp and keeping it shut. She was quiet after that.

Speaking of school, has anyone else ever gone into berserker mode? I almost never get truly angry, but when I do, oh, you better watch your ass. I've only done this once....

I'm walking down the hallway to my next class when 3 guys come along and knock my books out of my hand. I'm a very calm and patient person, so I simply pick up my books, call them assholes and go on my way. But this didn't seem to be enough for them. One of them pushes me against a locker, and my books are knocked out of my hands AGAIN.

After that, the only thing I remember is 'waking up' from this trance I was in, and I was being restrained by about 3 teachers and 4 students. 2 of the guys were on the floor, one unconscious, and the other had fled. When I asked later about it, people told me that I went all pale, my pupils dilated and that I proceeded to silently beat the SHIT out of them (telltale signs of medical rage). Needless to say, I wasn't bothered by anybody anymore. On the other side, I was suspended for a week. That was fun to explain to my parents.
Ghost_Op's note approach isn't bad, but you can also use the approach I used to use. Say something so profound and awe-inspiring that everybody just shuts up and pays attention to you instead.
I had the same problem with the C.A.T.s- why the hell can't they just follow the frickin' instructions without complaint!? Those damn whiners are always "Down there!? No- Seriously!? But it's all muddy and-"


Hehehe... the guy was so scared- S-a pişat pe el de frică. Now I don't mind if they make us do extra laps around the whole village, 10000 push-ups, 5000 sit-ups, 6000 pull-ups and 200 laps in a freezing cold lake- but when the other guys complain and or die- s'their fault. Pierde-vara.

Berserker mode? I'm not very sure. I'm not the kind of guy that you'd like to piss off back at school, I had a reputation for mercilessly breaking fingers one buy one without hesitation.
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