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Well Fred, it wasn't my fault ok, it was a case of bad circumstances, my father was in work and had no way to contact him, my mom cant come by cause she has hip problems and my brother was off in trenton state, which left me with no one to help me.....So I walked and walked, the pain was so much I literally fainted from the pain in my house....It was that damn bad, both ankles needed to be stood off of......Think of it this way, since my teachers or nurse didnt care to make me not go up those steps and go to classes, its partially there fault......and its of, the outburst was sort of coming....The worst thing, is I went to classes and my sports the next day.....
blueeyedgabulvo0o Wrote:GET BETTER SOON DMX, BUDDY PAL OF MINE!!!! ><

Quoted for Emphasis....

GET BETTER SOON, BUDDY! *summons Lurea to do things for DMX while his foot is hurt*
well, LG, just... dang, well.. not much to say. well ok maybe that I'm here for you, lame I know, but its the best I can do from Washington.

get well DMX.
Thanks guys, I won't be going to gym tomorrow (obviously) and I still doubt if I'll go to school or not; but my ankle is slowly developing to the best. It only hurts when I walk around now.
better than it hurting when you so much as move it a centimeter
Yeah, since my father cares, but doesn't exageratte so much and has MUCH MORE experience than mom in these kind of injuries, he's letting me stay in the PC instead of just laying on bed. Lucky me, she and my sis went away until Saturday. I just hope school doesn't get really harder when I get back *shudders*
don't count on it, I'm on my third day, and most rules that didn't matter last school year matter like they were laws this year, it sucks mega!
DragonMasterX Wrote:Damn my luck, today in my morning gym class we were having a really thrilling Volley Ball game for a change, I jumped to block and then I accidentally fell on the wrong place for my left feet. I sprained my ankle.

No one seemed to notice, I simply ignored the pain, as I always do. Simply kept playing. But I eventually came to feel the consequences of my ''Brave'' behaviour. It hurt a lot, and I couldn't catch a ball, my teacher noticed and asked me what was wrong. I told her: "I fell on the wrong place and I think I sprained something." She told me to sit. I did so. Then I was asked to do some simple movements to ease the pain. It still hurt.

The teacher started asking repeatedly after telling me to walk around slowly for a bit: "Want me to call your parents?" And there was when my stupid obstinate attitude came out with me, responding all the time: "I'm okay. I'm fine. No, don't call them, dad's at work and mom's with my sis for a medical check-up." She still asked me for the phone to call later. But meh...
I could have come home with a car or taxi with my parents but oh no, I had to come walking half a kilometer with a sprained ankle. Now, I'm alone at home after having a shower and using some ice for my ankle. But DAMN IT FUCKING HURTS!!! I can barely move without the pain being so annoying!

Why the hell did you walk 1/2 a kilometer home with a sprained ankle? You might have broken it.
Because of how my pride works. And yes, I now know the meaning of the phrase: "Too much pride can kill a man."
Just get well, we can deal with that issue later :roll: ....LOL

Just make sure you'll be ok and the rest will fall into place...
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