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I just want to say that your comment sounds to me like hedonism, which while it may give you some pleasure, will not satisfy you. That's why you always need to get more and more, like any drug or other addiction, what you've done isn't enough. I feel that this is because hedonistic behaviour is simply trying to find satisfaction and/or completeness in the wrong way.
Quote:(1) Piercings are stupid.

This one is subjective, and thus is as true as the person saying it believes it to be.
I meant that as a concise topic sentence, not so much as an opinion.

Quote:Most of these statements are untrue and I would appreciate if you think of someone as different for once not a " dumbass"
I'm calling you a "dumbass" if you steadfastly insist on making a decision that I have proven to be injudicious. The part where I call your decision "stupid" and call you a "dumbass" are not parts of my argument. If you took them to be argumentative points, I'm sorry for your confusion. The ugly thing was my opinion, and the opinion of the majority, and when it comes to beauty, majority opinion matters.

Quote:I will only say this:

"we the modified hold that we are a distinct subcultural group with an established history and way of life. we take part in these activities and perform these body modifications for the betterment of ourselves, of our peers, and of the world in general. Piercing, tattoos, scarification, and other modifications are active political protest and lead to positive cultural reform. we demand the right to treat our bodies as our own, and we strongly urge all to do the same."
Like I said, you're just conforming. You might as well join a cult while you're at it. You sound like you already drank the Kool-Aid.
Quote:I feel that this is because hedonistic behaviour is simply trying to find satisfaction and/or completeness in the wrong way.

Well do you have any ideas to do it in the " right " way?

Quote:majority opinion matters.

Sorry but not to me. To hell with the masses of closed minded freaks ! ( I am not directing this at any one in particular)

Quote:You might as well join a cult while you're at it

I would but the whole robes and ritual thing isn't my bag but thanks for your suggestion!
Quote:I would but the whole robes and ritual thing isn't my bag but thanks for your suggestion!
Think of piercings as robes and think of concerts as rituals. There's not a whole lot of difference.
rorancrystalwolf Wrote:
Quote:I feel that this is because hedonistic behaviour is simply trying to find satisfaction and/or completeness in the wrong way.

Well do you have any ideas to do it in the "right" way?

My personal method is religion, but I know that neither religion in general nor my relgiious beliefs in particular is not a viable alternative to all people. If you do decide to pursue religion, do it for yourself, and not based on what your parents may have tried to influence you to believe. Myself I don't care what religion a person is, theist, atheist, or subscriber to a particular faith, so long as that is a decision they reached for themselves. I find that most people who come to religion as a personal move tend to be more satisfied than those who have it forced upon them by their family, but I can't speak for everyone.

Again, my expression of the statement above is based on my religious views, which are predominantly, but not exclusively, Christian shaped. I believe there's something "missing" in all of our lives that we try to fill in many ways, and that ultimately faith is the only way to fill it. I do not believe that level of satisfaction requires you to be a christian or even to be christian-esque, but simply to have found a faith that is suitable to yourself and your own beliefs concerning life, mortality, and most (or ideally all) of your beliefs, opinions, etc.

I find mine in my primarily Christian faith. You may find yours in another. But generally, nothing in the material world seems able to bring people to that point in life of simple satisfaction the way a solid spiritual life can.

If you aren't doing this to stand out, it might be wise to look into religious or spiritual alternatives to finding ways to feel more "attached" to your body. The above is only my opinion, so please regard it as what works for me, not what WILL work for you.
Herr Mullen Wrote:It's just a poorly thought out sentence. "Brainwashing society" seems to be taking that a little far.

*slaps forehead* Stupid reduced vocabulary of mine... I really wanted to mean it in the way of trying to make people change how they think.

Maybe people enjoy being strict and follow all the rules; maybe others don't. Maybe you, Collin, want to be free to modify your body in the way you want. Maybe I myself am content with they way I am, look and think. I don't need to follow anyone's thinking, I have my own, but that doesn't mean that I must show disrespect to other's or try to change their ideas to fit mine.

With the statement that I previously quoted, which thanks to Herr I recognize it ended horribly, I think that that ''cult'' wants to convince people to do what they want. I personally find it good, but what about the people who don't like it? What if someone out of the 100 you convinced to do what they wanted, actually started following rules all over again, listening to the people he must, or doing everything strictily planned?
What I understand from that statement, is that you are probably trying to convince people to do what they want. Yeah, sounds all great, but what if it eventually goes off control?

Nate Hunter Wrote:I just want to say that your comment sounds to me like hedonism, which while it may give you some pleasure, will not satisfy you.

Yes, it's true. I agree with this: You know, if you are going to do this, you should be aware, because you'll start with something you don't consider dangerous, but later on, you run the risk of screwing up with your future decisions about your body looks. Keep in mind that many errors are easy to correct, but mistakes like this will probably be hard to solve.

And out of this, I have my personal opinion that piercings just ruin one's image, your body was made for many things, but I doubt it was created for destroying it partially. I'd rather do something else to show people ''myself'' and be content doing what I want. But again, it's just my own opinion.
rorancrystalwolf Wrote:
Quote:majority opinion matters.

Sorry but not to me. To hell with the masses of closed minded freaks ! ( I am not directing this at any one in particular)

I Wrote:I beg your pardon?

"Wisemon: go voice your opinion else where! We don't want to hear your opinion because you're close minded!"

Now, you've probably spotted the hypocracy, but in case you haven't, allow me to point it out.

That's close minded to Wisemon's opinion. In fact, by telling him to go elsewhere, you're being discrimative, which is about as close minded as you can get.

Now, please return to the topic's roots and stop with this "modified" business.

Replace "Wisemon" with "the majority".
Heh No Herr mullen I wasn't directing that at Wisemon. As far as Misty, well no one can control her anyway so yeah.

Quote:Maybe people enjoy being strict and follow all the rules; maybe others don't. Maybe you, Collin, want to be free to modify your body in the way you want. Maybe I myself am content with they way I am, look and think. I don't need to follow anyone's thinking, I have my own, but that doesn't mean that I must show disrespect to other's or try to change their ideas to fit mine.

Congratulations! You finally get it ! OKay one down 5.6 billion to go!
HEY!! Collin...what was that supposed to mean? you butt lol jk...but umm...you know you are right...no one can control me...well except you but we won't go there right now *winks* hehehe

And it's about time....someone finally gets it....
Quote:Replace "Wisemon" with "the majority".
:x Don't you dare!

Unlike Nate, unlike the majority of this country, my opinion here isn't shaped by any religion. I'm an atheist. My opinion is shaped by reasoning. I shall repeat my best arguments:

You run the risk of infection.
You lose time and money getting the piercing.
You'll be seen as less reliable and less attractive by the majority of society.
Though you think you're rebelling, you're just conforming to everyone else with a piercing, and at best, your message is ambiguous.

Now, do what no one on this board (except for urban dream) has been able to do in 2800 posts: Prove me wrong.
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