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I wanted to make this poll about sugar since humankind seems to be divided btw sugar worshippers and people that think it's worse than poison.
So what do you think? I voted for the first. Whenever I need to raise my concentration for those long and boring study hours, there's nothing better than a sugar rush.
Not much of a sweet person, I heard there's actually a type of sweetener that's exactly the same as sugar but doesn't have any of the negatives that sugar cane has. The reason they don't have it in America is because they can't tax it or something.
Splenda. It's the wave of the future.
I don't consume lots of sugar, I don't think it benefits THAT much, I just eat it in breakfast and the tea break so I don't run out of energy, maybe I don't even have tea break some days. But yeah, I think it's a good food.
Sugar may give a boost of energy but once that wears off you'll be even more tired than when you began.
Depends on your body, if you get sugar-rush, of course you'll get knocked out easily, insuline has to act quick, but it overexceeds in sugar-rushes.

I have my own policy in trying not to exceed, not eating sugar ends you with a weak state, eating too much sugar ends you with a 15 second of god-like reflexes, but costs you 1.5 hours to rest after the sugar disappears from your system. So having sugar as an hipo or an hyper isn't good in any way.
Aye, that's what I try to do. I like sugar and it gives you a nice little boost, but I try not to abuse it so I stay balanced and not become drop dead tired.
sugar does nothing for me, I can live without it, but need it for the energy at times...so yeah its good, but something i could live without.
For me I dont like suger that much but I like to take it as to boost my energy but like the others have stated before me that they wont abuse ut, neither would I. Same thing with salt (sodium) but thats another story. Suger contains many benedfits and many consequences, like many things in life you need to make sure that this sweet tasting ingredient must be in balance to what you eat in everyday life....
I still have difficulty calling it food, but it does have value nevertheless.
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