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Full Version: Happy Friends' Day!!!!!
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Hey, it's Friends' Day! An Argentine celebration, but I wanted to share it with you (it's never bad to celebrate, right?). It's been created by Enrique Febbraro after Neil Amstrong, Edwin Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins arrived at the Moon the 7/20/1969. For this Argentine friend,landing on the Moon should be a way to make friends in another parts of our planet. Back then, all the world was holding their breath for the three astronauts. They were their friends, and they, friends of the Universe.
The ones I've mailed before should get a card from me. As for the rest, I want to wish you here a happy Friends' Day!!!
[Image: combi_rosas_ch2.jpg]
A toast to our friendship! Let us nurture it and make it grow forever!
Happy Friends' Day to all my real friends on this site. Happy July 20th to all the people who pretended to be my friend in college.
Happy Friend's Day to every single one of my friends in the DaD!! Yay!
I really got to get my reading done

anyway happy friends day to the DaD
Happy friend day one and all!! GROUP HUG!!
Happy friends day everybody! *joins in group hug*
Happy berated Friends day^^ (sends a huggle)
HAPPY FWIENDS DAY!!!!! Its an awesome to have some friends to celebrate a day like this way like here....Celebrate it with others so its awesomes.... ^_^
They know who they are so I won't say anything else to them. But I will say a late glad to see you here to everyone else.
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