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Ironically, guys don't call each other fat in the locker room. And if they do, it usually ends up as 'mmm' or 'right...'
But they could be just as mean I remember both in middle school and even high school people thought because of my weight and appearance that I was not going to play that well in sports. Their are other terms that have a similar effect, but they respected me considering I could play sports and shut them up.....Cause I started getting picked last, now I became one of the first....The feeling was awesome because they now treated me like and equal and not an insignifiant peon.....
blueeyedgabulvo0o Wrote:But they could be just as mean I remember both in middle school and even high school people thought because of my weight and appearance that I was not going to play that well in sports. Their are other terms that have a similar effect, but they respected me considering I could play sports and shut them up.....Cause I started getting picked last, now I became one of the first....The feeling was awesome because they now treated me like and equal and not an insignifiant peon.....

This is called the MTV Effect. If you aren't 90 pounds, listen to the latest Hilary Duff album and have an annoying, smart-ass attitude, you aren't cool.
The weight thing gets creepier and creepier every day. A few days ago, we got one of those diet pill ads...it was so stupid. I was reading about people's results, and in one of the things it said something along the lines of:
Jane Doe
original weight: 136 lbs, 5'7
ending weight: 118, 5'7

Basically, i'm 123lb, and 5'2. And i know i'm not overweight, i'm average...bit shes 5 inches taller and 5 pounds less then me. That scares me...it seems too skinny. But thats just my opinion.
6' 2 200 pounds. I'm not the picture of perfection but I'm happy. Plus I could probably beat the crap out of any of those pretty boys on the TV shows!
Ghost_Op Wrote:This is called the MTV Effect. If you aren't 90 pounds, listen to the latest Hilary Duff album and have an annoying, smart-ass attitude, you aren't cool.
Like I said, MTV sucks. And a lot of people could probally beat them up shadow.
I cant...atleast, i doubt I could. But i'm sure i could find someone else to do to it. Then i'd feel good because I was the one who told them to.
You don't even have to ask!! *Goes and beats up the entire male cast of the OC*

I never sleep naked. Do you have any idea how cold it is here?

I'm not into bench pressing and body building, I can barely lift twice my own weight.

-You'll have to ask my brother Velmont about that, he's obsessed. He does it all the time. To him, it keeps him fit. But I know what harm can come if he doesn't ease up a little, he may be damaged for life. He's only... around 180 lbs.
DrunkenMunkee Wrote:I cant...atleast, i doubt I could. But i'm sure i could find someone else to do to it. Then i'd feel good because I was the one who told them to.
This is why industry has made knives and .357's widely available :D
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