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Full Version: I'm leaving on a jet plane
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Quote:Sorry to hear that Wise, why was it dissapointing?
Rather than continuing to invade on this thread, I'll post a new topic.

.....Senjuro, we are awaiting you and your tale of tours and experiences in the Dali landscape's of life. Still counting the days......
Come back soon-
yes....it would give me something to talk to.....considering no one is here.....

I'm back! Labrador is...well...dusty. And boring. And some of my tour mates are SHIT HEADS.

Other than that, it was fun. I'm SO glad to be back. I've missed you all so much.

Saw the aurora, couldn't snap a shot of it though, it was too dim. Those reddish colors...oh well. Anyway, I'll be talking to you all soon!
Hurrah; welcome back.
Welcome back. I hope your trip was satisfying on some level.
Thanks for the well-wishes, Wise, but alas it wasn't really. Two of my tour mates are not socially compatible with me, so I had to do a lot of "inner-voice" talking to keep the peace.
Welcome back! I really hope everything went okay even your teammates weren't what you probably expected.
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