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Full Version: What the heck is this, a joke?!!!!!!!!!!
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And more with Yu Yu Hakusho.
I don't know if this is serious, it's a joke, they are trying to kill me or what. If it's some joke, I'm not laughing. Man, I've seen bad cosplays, but this takes the cake!!!!
(And....just take a look at that sword......is it a joke too?! And what's that other thing in his hand, a cigarette pack?!)
These are more of these wonderful Yu Yu costumes:
And these guy's all in all: http://www.musicalotaku.com/cgi-musicalo...pp=aboutme

Noooo!!!! Take a look at Cammy too!!!!http://www.musicalotaku.com/pics/Ota05_S...hter01.jpg

*hides in shame*
oh gawd damn it...thats worse than the famous harry fat guy Faye.
I hate man-faye and I hate people like him. But cosplay is hard to pull off.
Except for the japenese a lot of times. But they have advantages.
Quote:But cosplay is hard to pull off.
Meh, don't I make a good Karasu? But that's cuz I look a lot like him.
Yes but you're a girl and not fat. So you have an advantage too.
I have the advantage that I look pretty much like him. What all cosplayers should do; searching for some chara that looks like them.
Exactly. Which is why I'd probally go as someone with a mask/face covering.
It's easier.
lol Yeah, I'd use a character that wears a mask too. I have my reasons which are somewhat vaild.
They could be same as mine.
the only person i could pull off is maybe a chubby Folgore

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