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Belated Happy Birthdays to Raynard and Velmont- (25th of march).
Don;t know them very well but oh well, happy birthday! ( belated of course)
Rather than a standard cake, may I suggest a bowl of shredded carrots and skim milk microwaved for three minutes. It's like a carrot cake, but much healthier.
You healthfood people creep me out.

Happy birthday, guys, even though it was yesterday.
Happy BeBe-lated birthday!!!!!

Ididn't know, here have a cake!!!!!

Comes out with a ten foot cake. Hope your hungry!....

Wisemon Wrote:Rather than a standard cake, may I suggest a bowl of shredded carrots and skim milk microwaved for three minutes. It's like a carrot cake, but much healthier.
Yeah, but what if you're not on a diet? Cake is good.
Happy birthday.
Whoops... late... even later... well, Happy belated Birthday Vel and Ray! mrgreen
I think it's too late to wish a happy birthday so...happy UNbirthday to you two, and DMX, and UnknownH, and Blueeyedgabulvo0o, and Senjuro, and Wise, and roran, and Gun, and anyone else who isn't celebrating their real birthday today.
lol, thank you everyone, I didn't really notice this post! Thank you! lol
post this was unexpected- thanks guys!
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