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Well, I have watched a few episodes of House and thought he was a rather rare cynical person. Though there seems to be a slight commercialization of the ipod... or it was just the episode I watched.
Anonmon Wrote:
UnknownH Wrote:Yes, I do like the boondocks. Wise does too. Any see the MLK ep?

"And then a miraculous thing happened. The revolution finally came!"
And you can't say he wasn't atleast a little right.
blueeyedgabulvo0o Wrote:Well, senjuro, you have a wierd sense of humor all right.... How about House? Talk about intelligence and being blunt to the point of genius.... House is my 24...

Oh man I LOVE House! I wish my wits were as sharp as his. Of course, then I wouldn't have any friends, but still, I think the sense of intellectual superiority I'd carry with me everywhere would be more than sufficient.
Quote:I turn on the TV for two shows, really: "The Daily Show" (now many people's main source of news, but I still read the papers every day)
The Colbert Report is just as funny, but not quite as informative.

Yes, the MLK episode of the Boondocks was awesome. I'm surprised there wasn't press about it on news networks (at least CNN, a fellow Turner company).
Ah, House. That is a show I'd like to be able to see. Hue Laury (I can never spell his name) is a brillient actor, and to see him doing something serious would be fantastic. For a while, all I heard of him was the voiceover for toothpaste adverts, so to actually see him back on real television would be fantastic. Unfortunatly, Channel Five is too poor to broadcast to my area. Thus, I never see it. Unless I joined this digital revolution thing.
As soon as I watched the first episode of House my eyes were captured from the everyday just to watch it and be captures by brillance and grace of raw talent... House is so genius it reminds me of Sports Night which was one of the better sitcoms of late until seeing this one....

My brother went out to go get House season 1 and know I know why this show gets so much media attention and it should be... Also the hospital is supposedly in New Jersey.... ... .. . .

Not having cable or satellite, the tube has not much to offer.... but every once in a while it comes out with several good visual performances of greatness and by far its one of the best.... GO HOUSE!!!!

Wisemon Wrote:Yes, the MLK episode of the Boondocks was awesome. I'm surprised there wasn't press about it on news networks (at least CNN, a fellow Turner company).
Actually I did hear about al sharpton complaining about it but that was on an internet news site.
Herr Mullen Wrote:Ah, House. That is a show I'd like to be able to see. Hue Laury (I can never spell his name) is a brillient actor, and to see him doing something serious would be fantastic. For a while, all I heard of him was the voiceover for toothpaste adverts, so to actually see him back on real television would be fantastic. Unfortunatly, Channel Five is too poor to broadcast to my area. Thus, I never see it. Unless I joined this digital revolution thing.

The first time I saw Hugh Laurie in House, my mind went looking for where I saw his face before, because I immediatly recognized him. I hopped on the IMDB and found where I recognized him from: he was in 101 Dalmations, heh. Ah the memories...

He's still fucking fantastic.
He was also in Black Adder, Fry and Laury, Saturday Night Fry, and a collection of other comedy geniuses. Stephen Fry is also admirable in his greatness. See V for Vendetta.
actually i have recntly found out that TV is CCCCCRRRAAAPPPPP... my dad makes the whole family watch TV every night.... I THINK I GOING INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing i realy like is 24. the rest is ok but i realy dont give a crap!(oh and i dont have cable, satellite, or whatever is out there)
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