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Full Version: Leaving on a bitter note
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rorancrystalwolf Wrote:Yep psychological counseling, in fact I just got back. The lady was ... wierd to say the least even by my standards , but I won't be able to go to school for a while though. Well she said I need lots of volunteer work to help me... I wonder if she even listened to me... oh well =p

I know the feeling, hence why I said you should worry.

I don,t know if it's similar in the U.S., but in Quebec, the minimal age to refuse medical treatment such as psy counseling is 14.
I would refuse for such a half assed diagnosis but my parents are behind it. The psychiatrist said I need to explore myself ( at first I took it the wrong way =p) but I will take the treatment seriously for now but we'll see
When I went for psych evaluation I just sat there staring at him not saying more than maybe three words the entire time. I got classified as a danger to myself and those around me but it's tottaly untrue. I'm only a threat to stupid people, *snipes an annoying tourist with BB gun <<* Stupid city jerks. Think they never saw a cow.
rorancrystalwolf Wrote:psychological counseling....
i almost scared the shit outta mine..

anyway,i do think it is wrong to invade others personal life.im not joking about this.if you know anyone who you know for a fact that does invade ppl's privacy.....i'd maybe hurt them....wait...sorry im tried and at School O.o....BST ROCKS!
At the very least, it's good to hear you won't be leaving... though I find it odd no school for the counselling.
psychological counseling doesn't work all the time but it's worth trying.
hope it goes just fine and they can solve your problems goodluck collin if you have to take meds don't forget too take them at the time they tell you to.

well maybe they found that collin is way too stressed out and going to school wouldn't help him with his treatment.
wait- no- you can't leave- we never even got a chance to be good friends!
*drops to floor, shaking*
I'm stupid- STUPID-STUPID-STUPID- I should've talked to you more- and now- theres no chance- I hope your father doesnt ruin everything- I lack friends enough as it is- without you- it's just like being left alone all over again... :cry:
Actually I was taken out of school (I am back at school now) because the counselor thought I might ......hurt my self again. That is what landed me in the shrink's office anyway. But now that I am getting "help" I can now resume my time on the DaD, so there is no need to worry Gunter. Since I can fully resume again we can become good friends if you like :)
You "hurt" yourself, and that's what got you in the counseling? Not reading DaD? Oh, good.

I'm asking a question: Have you people only merely scared counselors and psychiatrists to the point of diagnosing you, or has anyone else ever gotten the serious shit from them? This gives me a neat poll idea...
oh that is such a relief... but don't hurt yourslef, I learnt that doesnt help much the hard way- take care.
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