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Been too long without one of those funny personality quizes so I hunted one down.

Here's what I got.

(Dominatrix) Evil- Well well well...we meet again!
My advice to you is to have fun for once...laugh...but not at another's demise...thats just evil? Hehehe. Anyways, you should get on with your life, but scheme occasionally (but don't actually take them into action). Calm down, and have some non-sugar related foods or else...(poof!)...you're going to explode.

Which anime stereotype are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I half expected to be a nerd type person, what with all the calculations and such, but if you must do something, then do it right! I got evil, but then again, we all foresaw that

the bomb was lovely though, matches my hair ^ ^
I ended up being novice....
are all of these THAT accurate to me? gawd! =P

except for the romance novels... I read sci-fi/fantasy

Heartbroken- We and the rest feel that you should stop reading romance novels please. Its not healthy for you to do so. I predict that you're overwhelming by self-pity and that you're life has been nothing but a game. You are probably stressed soo....slow down...and STOP EATING FATTY FOODS! That void in your life will go away soon...and that special someone will notice you...someday.
Missed my quizzes? lol I got Heartbroken too. But the quiz was rather hard to do.
Ok I got this INtellect
Intellect- YOu are REALLY the center of the

universe are you not? Remember that the world

does NOT revolve around you....YOU revolve

around the world. My advice to you is have

fun pwease? But maintain a nice average while

you're at it!

Which anime stereotype are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I am also the intellectual seterotype. Hurray for me.




The stupid thing thinks I'm fat. That is not a nice thing to hear from a PC online quiz.
I refuse to answer a quiz for which every question and answer is misspelled.
you noticed that too? lol that's funny. ha...ha...ha... *dies of laughter*
You mean in the "cute" way?
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