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Full Version: Can you tell me your fetishes?
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Trying to find a job, working on a script for a comic that I'm working on, as well as designs for a dueling game (like Yu-Gi-Oh, Heroscape, and maybe Heroclix)... plus needing to contact people I've met with in I-Con.

This year seems different to me, I KNOW it!

And you?
I missed you, whoever you are (waru the meh?) and nice fetish!

I have a fetish for redhead blondes who are chained to metal poles in bars.

or those sexy goths.
I also love it when ladies wrestle- especially in mud...

and those japanese school girls in sailor uniforms-
Yes, I am Waru the meh, as well.

And I can see why you like Japanese school girls in those school uniforms. ^___^
Well that's good. Not much have happened with me besides the same stuff.
I've been look for a job and making designs for things too.
And gunter those are two things most guys like.
I like fur-

And those too tight thongs that women wear to the beach that tear easily- yeah. Those things ROCK!
I've had a lot of fetishes, but never fur. Why is it so popular?

(slaps you on the Face)


lol, kidding!

I don't know really... digimon are considered as furry, aren't they?
I quess your right, but the furry part of digimon doesn't seem to affect me. Also you should start pimp slapping people it is so much cooler
YEAH!! Let the pimp slapping begin!
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