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Full Version: Some Rather Fun Yaoi Sites
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Just recently, yesterday, in fact, I stumbled upon some rather good Yaoi sites. I'm sure you would like to see some, as a few of them contain pictures like this:

[Image: gogglegang.jpg]

That was from Yoai My Heart, and quite nice, I thought.

Anyway, returning to shamelessly linking some fun sites;

Not4Chan.org, which has a shota board.

RenChan, which also has a shota board.

The Shotacon Story, which features, well, I think you can guess from the title, but I've started so I'll finish, shota. It also has a link to us in its links page, which I thought was rather splended of them.

And, quite finaly, my last notable site, Yaoinami, which combines the two unlikely genres of comedy and porn. Like myself.

So, have you come across any significantly titilating sites? I'd like to see them. I'm sure others would, too. Go on, be a sport, and give us some URLs.
Honestly, boowie, how could you leave out MDY's sites?



Of course, not to mention a couple of my own.... ^^;;

There's also Mothman's Paradise, which has a good varied selection of stuff.
And here's another