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Full Version: Farewell....for I'm going to dance into the fire
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And that team of lawyers was annihilated by zeph too.
Yeah, saves me from paying them.
DragonMasterX Wrote:
Quote:(note: it's a BOF4's quote)
Are you.... sure?

I remember that part it's where that frog has you doing work for him in order to get on his ship. but he gives you a straw not a spoon in the version I played (maybe it's a translation thing)
(so confusing...)
(what should I do!?) *pulls hair*
Here you can have this soup. *hands soup to Gun* I'd eat it but I don't have a spoon.
Why don't you ask for one then? *takes our spoon*
Go on, drink that soup, it'll make you feel better.
thank you-
but couldnt you just drink out of the bowl...?
besides, Mr. Anon says there IS NO spoon!
-yet, I'm holding it right here!
-ack! headache again!
A gentleman never eats soup without a spoon *burps loudly*
Some of us have enough power to overcome that! *burps even louder*
But some don't...
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