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Full Version: I fucking hate Yahoo
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I have no idea why, but occasionally I'll try to get to my Yahoo email address and the password won't work. I'll try every password in my memory, but none will work. For this I shall blame Yahoo, and furthermore go make myself a GMail account this time, since I need a separate email address to handle fanfic/DaD/DHZ stuff.

This means anyone who sent me something in the last 2 months, resend it unless you know I read it!

*cheep cheep cheep* Didn't expect much of a reaction, but...

Mailto: arandommep@gmail.com

This time I wrote down the username and password, by God!
I think Yahoo did that to my first account too, but my current account has been fine for years. You just have to make sure you keep logging in every so often.
You know, the same exact thing has been happening to me. Not only that, but my very first account I ever had on there, which ive had for about eight years, now, was deleted just a few months ago. It's severely irritating.
I have an email there plus another one I put my various stuff like my special links and my various things I do. So far, no problem.
I used to have a Yahoo account...until it started losing some of my saved e-mails. That's right, it had a case of e-alzheimers. And when I tried e-mailing them about it, they never mailed back.

Fuck 'em.
well...my first account was almost taken out just because i hadn't emailed anyone for awhile, still received but not sent. So yeah, yahoo can suck sometimes if not most.
Works fine for me.