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I never seen the second tamer movie and I've heard it was a major Takato/Rika moment. And I was thinking, when they reach Middle school/High school ages, which coupling is most likey to happen/stay?

I kinda like Takato/Jeri and Henry/Rika.
Takato/Jeri all the way. Just look at how hard he fought the D-Reaper to save her. I'm also more of a Ryo/Rika fan but Henry/Rika is second favorite.
I liked Henry and Rika too, so I tried the real life version. Apparently, the real Rika thinks they have too much in common, and in general, just wants to be left alone.
I always thought (after season 3) Takato/Jeri and Henry/Rika, NO OTHER POSSIBLE OUTCOME

And when I saw the Movie The Runaway Express BANG :? What the Hell just hapened. It all turnd upside down Takato/Rika I am still surprised and confused.
I am not shure in Takato/Jeri and Henry/Rika anymore.

And now the big question is Takato/? and the rest will fall into place by it self.

P.S. I still dont understand why this hapond, why did they make Takato/Rika :?
Takato and Rika.
They suddenly threw a different couple out at you? Didn't they do something like that before? I think they did in the second season too.
Oh and anyway seeing as I for some reason don't like henry/rika(don't know why) I also don't like ryo/rika, mostly because of the dub ryo being a massive dork. So I don't know who I like.
No metter what Im for Takato and Rika.
Gallantmon and Beelzemon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who wants little brats?!
I'm very against Takato and Rika. Takato already has a girlfriend; I think that's pretty well established, and Rika is too much of a perfectionist to ever like Takato. Both Henry and Ryo qualify as damn near perfect.

More shall be revealed.
wait what happen in the movie between takato and rika? I though jeri and takato would date, i mean look at the end of season 3. Didnt rika change her ways at the end, she became nicer, she had the attitude of a goth before, surprised she didnt look like one, or did the dubbers do that. I do think henry would be a better match, but they do say oppisites attract.
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