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Full Version: update, anyone?
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does anybody happen to know a date to when the next update is? I kinda went through the whole sight and ran out of things to see, hoping for some new things or perhaps something I missed...

*sits in a corner, rocking back and forth* updade...update...when is the next update...

(just need a possible date, lol I'm dying to know. even if it has to be cancelled due to no time to do it, it just tells us how close we are to a POSSIBLE update ^_^)
You just have to be patient. CR explained the situation on the main page. If you feel you cannot wait then try reading some of my material. I'm hosted off-site and can update my own stories as soon as I finish them. This also applies to everyone else on that site.
*shrug* Why bother. It'll probably be a bunch of more Renamon stuff. Duh.
Okay, what the fuck did I ever do to you?
Whatcha talkin' about? I'm talking about everyone, not you. I don't even know who you are.
Forgive me, I thought you were insulting me or something.
Aaaah, don't worry about it.
I just got on after a while...

well... that was an entertaining (if not unusual) accident in meaning. anyway; what's that site you were talking about? I must have missed that part, lol ^_^
hehe I agree with the Renamon stuff, on the next DAD update. Honestly there is nothing she can't do anymore and what we don't have seen already. But well, other people like to see her, so it can't be changed.
No way it won't be all renamon it'll probally have some yaoi in it too. lol
But really it's not as bad as people think.
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