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Hey, I havent been to the DaD in like a year cause it never updated...

BUT!!! i looked at it today and a total of one updat was posted!


anyway i really liked all the nice coments people left about my art, it was great thx for the support.
it puts a tier in my eye :cry:

Im also on the DHZ "www.thedigimonhentaizone.com" if anyone wants to see my work, im gona be posting new stuff soon and its updated almost dayly which is nice.

I hope thiers still enough people left interested in digimon to read this post :shock:

~BS Artist~
great,a nd I hope to see more. I think you're only one of two peole (perhaps three) that does really good TK pics.
you see I told you when this place updates it updates like a cannon one big blast of new stuff and good job on your comments
What is it with all the oversized avatars?

And yeah, a lot of people commented on your work and updates here are usually huge and slow :P
Sorry about the oversized av. chibi but i think its a cute pick, and im glad to know that waru considers me one of the three best TK artists.

im a little disappointed that your the only three that seem to be left in this post board, thier wasent even any new topics!!

what has happend to the good ol' days? Some popular kids channel needs to reair all the digimon episodes, in a good time slot, but thats alot of wishful thinking. lol

~BS Artist~
Oh 3 new topics on the board!

Just an update my work, its up on the DHZ if anyone cares :shock: under broken soul.

So what are the dwindling Digimon Artist of the world thinking today?

Im thinking im going to do some drawing, reguardless of how few are left to enjoy it! How about you?

~BS Artist~
go ahead.

thx thats the shortest answer ive ever goten, I look forward to more Magnificent answers like that one :shock:

~BS Artist~
Do whatever you enjoy doing. If you enjoy drawing, then go ahead. :)