Digiartists' Domain Community!

Full Version: I have searched and searched... and now I request help...
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Alright, there are two Digimon hentai pics that I simply cannot find! Yet, I know they exist. I've seen them before on previous incarnations of the DaD message board. If u have them or know a site that has them... I'd be very grateful.

The first one was a picture of Angewomon and Lillymon. It was really good art and Lillymon I think had her hair wrapped around Angewomon like tentacles. I know I saw that on the old board...

And another one was a picture of Kazemon being raped by the gigantic Woodmon from Frontier.

If anyone can help me plz do!
the first I've never seen the second when if I can find it I'll give it to you and the other guy who wants it
alright, that'd be great. I've been searching everywhere but no luck...

Maybe I dreamed up that Angemon/Lillymon pic... either that or it jumped off the face of the planet. Some guy used to have a forum and he had a daily pic and he posted it in there... hm...
oh that forum? uh... try looking for dread demon I think it was his forum
is he here or on the DHZ?