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Full Version: the word "tamers"
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Is it just me (it probably is) or does the word tamers give the impression of an animal tamer? I dont even really understand what im trying to ask but...

Its like...
Takato: Hey guilmon could you grab a soda in the fridge?
Guilmon: Sure
Takato: Good dog!
Guilmon: What the hell?
Guilmon:*Bites Takato's hand* I am not a dog!
Takato: Be quiet, boy.
Guilmon:*screaming* I AM NOT A DOG!!!
and there you have it, digmon turning from best friend, into your dog
Takato:*rolls up a newspaper* Don't make me hit you.
Guilmon: Pyro sphere! *burns the newspaper*
Guilmon: HAH!
Takato: Grr...outside with you! OUT!
Guilmon: ....
Guilmon: *walking out* ...son of a bitch...
They start wild, so you have to tame them (according to season 3), but I think you want the "Things you'd never hear on Digimon" thread. Oh yeah, welcome to the board.
i meant it as a question, thank you for uh, setting me straight
yep wise is right they're wild and you try to make them less wild and like gulimon more grown up
*nods*yeah same and welcome here
The creators were into S&M
are you going to be a freak now?
YES! Now that I've looked up Mono-Whateverism
I prefer the term 'partner', like in Seasons 1 and 2. I mean...'tamer' makes Digimon sound like slaves. I consider the Digimon to be every bit as important characters as the humans. It makes the Digimon sound inferior, when it's really more of a symbiotic friendship. One needs another for friendship, strength, and emotional support.

Damn nazis! Trying to enslave the Digimon! Get 'em, Duskmon!

Duskmon: ~Smites them~

milk me!

A more appropriate word might have been "trainers," even though there was very little training going on between the humans and their Digimon.

But perhaps they do "tame" their enemies. What does Webster's say?

[quote]Main Entry: tame
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): tamed; tam
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