Digiartists' Domain Community!

Full Version: Remnant from the past
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I stumbled across this when googling around:
Anybody else remember this? Man, who would've thought it was still online!
Looks way before my time.
oh it is a very long time, this voting list was actual. It was far before Vimmy had the picture section. Let me think, I was lurker at this time... hmm spring or summer 2002 I think the list was running.
I thik I just closed my eyes and clicked for somebody. I hate playing favorites. Man, I was such a vagina.
wow how many people on there are still here
sadly not that much I think. Many of them stopped drawing, others never submitted their work again and stuff...
Yep, I remember that. Crazy isn't it... ^^
I never saw that poll before, hehe. How do I access it anyhow?
to bad they dont sent stuff anymore or they stopped
Yes, it is sad to see good artists disappear from the Domain.. their good talents just somehow vanish...
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