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Full Version: Resignation
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I don't come around here enough to do my job and when i do come around i don't see anything worth sticking around for. I'm not angry when i say this or upset about anything, but the truth is that i have moved on in the respect of my art and what i really want to see.

I really enjoyed my time here and i whish that i could stay but i have other things to do that are more important than Hentai and Lemons. I'm officialy stopping all projects in tie with the DaD including my Lemon Fox Tails. I renounce my position as a mod here and I've taken people i have meet here off of my buddy list. With the exception of a few people. i don't want to have to change my email address so lets not keep in touch (with the exception of a few people and you know who you are. I may not have told you who you are but we chat fairly regualaly)

well i wont lie and say that this is not about the rivalry between the DaD and the DHZ but that plays a very little part in this. I'm leaving to moce on and chances are i'm not coming back. Anyone who still wants to stay in contact with me can do so but please don't start begging me to come back or we will have a very short conversation.

Thank you all for the time i have spent here, I thank the artists and writers and fellow users who have given me support and with that i say goodbye.

Respect for your art? Huh? What do you mean by that? Do you mean that by drawing hentai you feel somewhat limited and want to branch out more or what?

Well...if your going, then good-bye. Although, I must admit, I didn't quite expect you to be the kind to up and leave all of a sudden. Well...where ever you go, be sure to have a great time, even though this board may end up missing you. Good luck.
ohhhhhhhhhhh good bye :cry:
*hugs* In case i'm one of the people being removed from your contact list, I just wanna take the opportunity to tell ya' that I really enjoyed talking to you, you were one of the best friends that I ever had online, not to mention one the very first, and i'm sorry for the "you-know-what" thing! Wish you all of luck to become a great animator or artist or whatever. Um... I will probably send you an email with more...feelings involved..er, probably, but I felt like saying goodbye to you on the board too, for some really unknown reason of course.. I'm not funny I know, I suck at comedy and all that.
well farewell and take care.
Hey Ryoku, hope you're still around to at least read the replies to this topic... Anyway, we don't know each other, but from what I saw you did a great job as both an artist and a mod. Farewell, and all the best for your future. I'm sure you shall be missed.